Summer Farm Share Week 17 – Vegan
For Summer Farm Share Week 17 (week of September 19, 2016), I requested a Vegan bag. I have so much pasta in my freezer from past shares. It’s strange, but we don’t eat much pasta at home. That’s probably because we have the best place for pasta within driving distance. That means it’s usually my night off as head chef when we have pasta. Mr. Carnivore has a tough time veering off from his Angel Hair Marinara with Meatballs, but I love Baked Rigatoni with Meat Sauce. Of course, once I remember that I have some of Fresh Fork Market’s Tomato Sauce, then I’m all over that pasta. Their sauce has ruined me for all others. So good!
Week 16 of our small summer farm share included (featured photo at the top of this post is a full Vegan share)…
Acorn Squash – 2
Sweet Peppers – 2
Eggplant – 2
Cherry Tomatoes – 1 pt
Green Beans – 1 lb
Onion – 1 (missing)
Zucchini – 2
Lettuce – 2 heads (1 extra, instead of romas?)
Carrots – 1 bunch
Jonathan Apples – 7
Roma tomatoes (missing)
My half of our small Vegan summer farm share (above photo) and how we used it.
Acorn Squash – 1 – I want to bake this if I can find it. It might have started leaking and I may have thrown it away, or it’s buried in my refrigerator.
Sweet Peppers – 1 – this landed in a mixture of Patty Pan (week 12), Onion and Zucchini one night for dinner.
Eggplant – 1 – this bad boy is still in my refrigerator. I got an idea for roasting from another Fresh Forker so maybe I’ll try to get to it this week.
Cherry Tomatoes – 1/2 pt – these didn’t make it and I had to throw them away. Too much running around and not enough eating at home.
Green Beans – 1/2 lb – hopefully these are still in good enough shape to tackle this week for the freezer.
Onion – 1 (missing)
Zucchini – 1 – this went into the Patty Pan mix I describe above. Love those Patty Pan squashes because they last forever on the counter. I saved the seeds to try planting them next year.
Lettuce – 1 – I think we ate this within the first couple of days. Love this lettuce.
Carrots – 1 bunch – these store really well in the veggie drawer of the refrigerator. I can never have too many carrots stockpiled.
Jonathan Apples – 4 – these are really good, still munching.
It’s pretty funny that I was so looking forward to the Roma tomatoes for roasting and they were missing from my bag. I’m not sure if we ran out by the time I got my bag, but I got some beefsteaks instead the next week. That’s what I get for confusing everyone by changing my bag preference weekly. LOL I’ve been helping out at my pick-up spot and I’m really too tired to check my bag or even care what is put in it. These foodies work hard. I have such respect for what they do in a short span of time. I’m tired, but having so much fun finding out what everyone is doing with their shares.
I wasn’t home at all this week. We ended up doing a garage sale at my parents’ house, so I spent three days there. We also cleaned up the boat to get it ready to go back into storage, then we took our helpers out for lunch and beers on the lake. This was the first and only day we spent on the lake this year. This just wasn’t our summer for boating due to Mr. Carnivore’s recovery time from surgery. There’s always next year has to be our mantra of hope.
Not much in the results arena for this week as I wasn’t home long enough to cook. Maybe the veggies hang on for me to get to them. I will let you know what happens…
What has your fork been up to? Are you ever too busy to cook?
October 10, 2016 at 7:24 am
Eggplant is easy. I usually peel it, slice it, bread it and bake it in the oven. They come out delicious. You can add sauce to them if you’d like or eat them just the way they are.
I go in spurts with cooking. Now that it’s more fall like here in CT my cooking has ramped up. Last night I made beef stew type meat over rice with a side of cauliflower and broccoli. I marinated the meat in teriyaki sauce and then stir fried it. Yum! A couple of nights before I made country style ribs in the oven by just pouring some thick bbq sauce over it and made a couple of side dishes.
To me pasta is one of the easiest things to make and one of the cheapest so we hardly ever eat it out unless it comes with my meal i.e. eggplant parm, some sort of seafood over pasta, etc.
Enjoy the rest of the veggies.
October 10, 2016 at 9:56 pm
Thank you for the ideas for eggplant, JoAnne. 🙂 Your meals sound lovely. I cook more in the fall too. Something about that chill in the air makes me crave homecooking. You’re right about pasta being so easy. I have no idea why I avoid it so much. Maybe because I cooked so much of it in my twenties because it was so affordable.