Farm Share Living in March 2017
Farm share living in March 2017 brought us greens and reds with more variety. We’ve also enjoyed getting the Omnivore share versus the Vegetarian because the fresh veggies and fruit are scarce in the winter. We’re especially fond of the variety of sausage. It’s much leaner than what I’ve purchased at the grocery over the years, so I think we’re currently spoiled.
We had two farm share pick-ups in March. The first one (above) brought us Kale and apples, plus a beautiful ham hock that hasn’t been used yet. There have been a lot of eggs which is great for baking. We had so many eggs that I made a Greek Scramble for a pot luck. That’s one of my favorite ways to serve eggs. I throw in some tomato, black olives, feta, onions and garlic, plus seasoning, after the eggs are set. We usually eat fruit and cereal or toast for breakfast so the eggs are used for lunch or dinner.
Next pick-up week brought us welcomed greens but I have a hard time eating them without cucumbers or tomatoes. We did enjoy the greens on sandwiches, including burgers, but I had to buy tomatoes and cucumber for salads. The yams were much appreciated baked and topped with butter. Frozen tomatoes get used as fast as we receive them in everything from soup to eggs to a wonderful pasta dish I made with the Italian sausage.
I’m working on the recipe to post here for the pasta because the sauce was so simple to make and we really loved it. The rotini I used the first time got way too squishy so I’ll try it with rigatoni next.
We ordered quite a few extras this week because winter share getting split between four people isn’t quite enough to last two weeks. The Dill Havarti is one of my weaknesses. Love it on toasted bread. We also love their unsalted butter. I cut it into quarters, then halve each of those and wrap separately to freeze. One half of one of those quarters fits nicely in our butter dish. Once again, we couldn’t resist getting more Green Onion Brats.
I cooked a lot more in March than any other month. It felt good to be home and making the meals we love. The purple potatoes are delicious, but Mr. Carnivore has a tough time eating them baked because they look so odd. So, I threw the rest of them in this Beef Soup.
One day we had lots of pork roast left and nothing to go with it. We bought some potatoes and carrots and made a huge pot of them in some broth I had frozen from a ham soup I made earlier in the year. I added in some vegetable broth and seasoning. After eating those for days, I wondered why I’ve never done that in the past. It was so simple. We never get enough potatoes in the farm shares to make a huge pot like that, so it’s definitely something we have to buy extra.
We got an unexpected snowstorm after the Robins had come back into town. Mr. Carnivore put out suet and seed for them. There were at least five male Robins sitting in our shrubs fluffing up to stay warm while chowing on the seed. I snuck this photo of this Robin with his buddy, a sparrow, snuggling right before the heaviest snow came down. They sat together like that for the longest time and I used my zoom lens to catch them from inside.
Robins are the welcome sight that winter is on its way out, and before we know it, summer share will be here.
Do you eat differently in the winter based on availability of food, or because of your preferences?