REVIEW: Bound for Glory – Recommended!
BOUND FOR GLORY by Tess LeSue met all my expectations and surpassed them beyond what I could imagine. It was hard for me to envision Deathrider’s story, even though I’ve craved it since reading the first book where he appeared. I knew it would take a tough woman to out-fox and out-talk him. Ava Archer is exactly what he needed.
But first, he had to suffer a lot, and go through one dark moment after another, with his sarcastic humor and dog as his sidekicks most of the way. When Deathrider’s humor no longer serves him, and anger replaces it, Two Bears, Deathrider’s father, fills in the gaps with his hilarious banter. Oh my, did I love Two Bears. He cracked me up.
Deathrider, aka Plague of the West, is hellbent on saving his friends no matter the odds. The man’s devotion to others is commendable. He proves his endurance in this book beyond comprehension.
Tess LeSue has earned her rare spot on my keeper shelves. FRONTIERS OF THE HEART is the best western series I’ve read. Fans will appreciate seeing all their favorite characters from the series in the final chapters of this book.
I reviewed the first three books for Romance Junkies, but another reviewer beat me to requesting this last book, so I’m reviewing it on my personal site, The Zest Quest.
Even though I think this book stands well on its own, I would hate to see someone miss the buildup to this climax. Do yourself a favor and read this series in order. It’s one of the best historical series I’ve experienced.
Here are quotes from my RJ reviews and links to them for your convenience…
“BOUND FOR EDEN is so ridiculous and addictive that I carried the book with me everywhere until I finished. I laughed so hard at Deathrider. He’s the absolute best caricature of a Native American who befriends white settlers. He’s the best friend who knows you so well that he’s the thorn in your side for life.” Review by Dorine ~ courtesy of Romance Junkies.
“BOUND FOR SIN by Tess LeSue is easy to recommend for its well-rounded entertainment. You’ll laugh, cry, and be enchanted by the western historical detail that makes you stick to this book like glue. I really can’t get enough of the FRONTIERS OF THE HEART series. I’m completely addicted, especially to read more about Deathrider, my favorite character.” Review by Dorine ~ courtesy of Romance Junkies.
“BOUND FOR TEMPTATION by Tess LeSue riles up the west as the naughty heroine disguises herself as a nun, launching one crazy plan after another… Thanks to Deathrider, Tom Slater is on the run from bounty hunters. The darn fool used Tom’s fairly good name when the heat became too much around Deathrider’s reputation. A reputation earned mostly by a dime novelist who found the crazy Indian perfect fodder for her creative adventures. Now the “real” Tom Slater can’t go anywhere without having his life threatened. It’s no wonder Tom prefers cows over people.” Review by Dorine ~ courtesy of Romance Junkies.
The riot continues in BOUND FOR GLORY.
Ava Archer is a pistol. I wanted to hate her for her poison pen, but she’s so stinking adorable that I couldn’t imagine anyone better for Deathrider. Their journey is fraught with challenges, but their HEA is pure bliss. Of course, there are more villains than you can shake a stick at this time around, but one in particular was beyond nasty and believable. Rooting for Ava to best that nasty piece of work was so much fun.
Thank you, Tess LeSue, for giving me exactly what I craved. BOUND FOR GLORY is beyond perfect, ending this series with all the laughter and love I could stand. Fabulous! I highly recommend all four books. THIS is how western romance should be written. It’s funny, entertaining, dangerous, crazy-wild like a horse race, and full of characters you wish to meet. You will be smitten.
Review by Dorine, courtesy of TheZestQuest.com. A digital advanced copy was provided by the publisher for an honest review. Thanks in advance for following links and sharing this review on social media.
Bound for Glory by Tess LeSue
Series: A Frontiers of the Heart novel (Book 4)
Category: Native American Western Romantic Comedy
Publisher: Berkley (December 3, 2019)
ISBN: 978-0593098288
Rated 5 out of 5, Highly Recommended!