REVIEW: A Prince to be Feared by Mary Lancaster
An absorbing historical love story by a “new to me” author that I highly recommend, A PRINCE TO BE FEARED is my favorite discovery of the year so far.
A Prince to be Feared by Mary Lancaster
Category: Historical Fiction with Elements of Romance
Release Date: May 7, 2013
ISBN: 9780957301696
Rated 5 out of 5 Stars + Recommended Read
Book pulled from my eBook TBR Mountain Range, purchased by me.
There’s nothing more thrilling than to stumble upon a book that surprises me from the very first paragraph. Author Mary Lancaster has taken mid 1400s history and made it come alive through her exquisite characterization and storytelling skills. We’re given glimpses of Vlad Dracula as a man, a teenager, a prince of Wallachia, a warrior and an exiled prince jailed for twelve years, awaiting his chance to recover his throne and gain vengeance against those who have denied him his right by birth and accomplishment. Back and forth through history we follow his determination to gain what he feels is rightfully his, including the woman he loves. He’s cruel, he’s compassionate, he’s fearless and he loves with fervor only his future wife can understand.
Ilona Szilagyi is a complete mystery when the reader is first introduced to her. Her sadness is actuated by her dull grey attire and veiled headdress. We know she’s the king’s cousin and is to marry Vlad Dracula but we don’t know why she wants to hide from everyone, including the man she once loved. The setting is perfect; a mystery surrounds the couple who have been separated for years while Vlad has served his time. There have been plenty of atrocities against, as well as done by, Vlad Dracula but who has turned the vibrant Ilona into this sad soul who seems better suited to a convent?
This begins their tale and the reader is transported along with them, embraced by a love story as poignant as Romeo and Juliet. If you love a rich, vibrant historical novel that is a rare find, then I suggest that you run to your nearest eRetailer and grab yourself a copy of A PRINCE TO BE FEARED. I highly recommend this novel as a fabulous rendition of historical events so real that you’ll swear they happened exactly as Mary Lancaster portrayed it. So addictive and captivating that I didn’t want to read the end. More, please!
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What’s on your Mountain? Tell me your favorite historical novel this year!
July 18, 2013 at 3:45 pm
I have so many books on my TBR!!! I haven’t really read a historical yet this year besides the first two books in the YA series “His Fair Assassin” by R.L. LaFevers. I can’t wait for the the 3rd book Mortal Heart to come out so I can see what happens with Annith!!
Great review!! A Prince to be Feared sounds like a great read!!
Ashley A
July 20, 2013 at 3:15 pm
Isn’t it amazing how the books stack up, Ashley? Thank you for the compliment and for answering my question. I’ve never tried R.L. LaFevers’ books so I’ll definitely look for them. Let me know if you get a chance to try A PRINCE TO BE FEARED and what you enjoyed most 🙂
July 20, 2013 at 4:34 pm
Your review has convinced me that I must have this book! Another one to add to the never ending tbr list!
July 20, 2013 at 4:34 pm
My TBR pile is toppling as we speak. Best historical I’ve read recently was for review and not really from my TBR pile.
Stolen Charms (Winter Garden, #1 by Adele Ashworth
July 20, 2013 at 4:51 pm
I’m so glad you added A PRINCE TO BE FEARED, Chris! I know you will love it 🙂
Thank you for the suggestion of STOLEN CHARMS, JoAnne. I always need more books for the TBR!
Thanks for visiting, Chris and JoAnne!
July 20, 2013 at 5:29 pm
I have so many tbr piles I keep rotating them froIm one room to another. I don’t think I remember the last historical I read. Stuck in genre I guess.
July 22, 2013 at 11:41 am
Diana — I understand completely on the rotating TBR piles! I do a lot of shuffling before I read. LOL
July 20, 2013 at 5:40 pm
The historical that I just finished was sche-
duled to reside on Mount TBR, but it never made it there! It is The Heir, the first book in a series by new-to-me author Grace Burrowes. I
read the first few pages and it blew me away!
I had to read it and the Mount was less one
book! I can hardly wait for the next book in
the series.
Pat C.
July 22, 2013 at 11:51 am
Pat — that is one of the best feelings, isn’t it? To read a page or two without really considering reading the book “right now” and to have it suck you right in! That’s what A PRINCE TO BE FEARED did to me. I will definitely add THE HEIR by Grace Burrowes’ to my wishlist 🙂 Glad you found a “new to you” author and shared it with me.
July 21, 2013 at 8:27 am
I’ve never read Mary Lancaster before I read your review. She’ll be on my TRL which is in more piles then I like to think about. 🙂 This sounds like a book I can really get into. Thanks for the review.
Carol L
July 22, 2013 at 9:13 am
American Dreams by Janet Dailey is the historical romance I read recently from my mountain and I still have a few to read. I love the western and frontier period of time..not that I want to live it but it’s amazing to read about. I hope this contest idea works, Dorine. I am all for getting into things and looking forward to having fun and getting to read books I otherwise may never know about. sue
July 22, 2013 at 11:54 am
You’re welcome, Carol — you’ll have to let me know what you enjoyed most about A PRINCE TO BE FEARED when you get a chance to read it 🙂
July 22, 2013 at 11:58 am
I love the western and frontier period of time too, Sue! And no, I don’t think I would last long living with their hardships but I sure do like to read about it too. Thanks for suggesting AMERICAN DREAMS by Janet Dailey – I will check it out. Keep checking back monthly for more book suggestions from me and others commenting — we’ll grow our “new to me” piles together 🙂
July 22, 2013 at 2:36 pm
Since you mentioned Vlad Dracula, I really want to read it.
July 22, 2013 at 8:16 pm
I think you’ll enjoy it, Sherry and you can’t beat the price 🙂
August 15, 2013 at 9:35 pm
Chris Mead — your comment here was the one chosen by a random number generator as my July winner! Please email me at dorinelinnen (at) aol (dot) com with your mailing address so we can get your prize to you! Congratulations!