REVIEW: The Curious Nature Guide inspires
THE CURIOUS NATURE GUIDE inspires adults to focus on their senses, encouraging creativity. It’s exactly what I needed to energize my love of nature to the next level. Even though this book is aimed at adults, many of the suggestions could be shared with children and would make an appreciated family gift.
I requested this book for review because I love any book that makes me stop and appreciate the world around me. I decided to journal my way through part of it with camera in hand and enjoyed the results. What I didn’t expect was that this book jogged so many pleasant memories of my childhood enjoying nature with my dad, something that I still like to do today as an adult.
I’ve journaled most of my life, but this book made me think about small wonders and to be more persistent in my daily discoveries in nature. I’m especially excited about getting a sketchbook and some colored pencils to take on my hikes, something I never thought to do as an adult. I used to sketch and paint outdoors as a teen but had forgotten the joy that gave me. That reminder alone makes my time worthwhile in reading this book, but there’s so much more that pleased me.
My favorite quote shared from a postcard within this book is: “There is no Wi-Fi in the forest, but I promise you will find a better connection.” Lovely and so true.
The illustrations in THE CURIOUS NATURE GUIDE are especially beautiful. Some are watercolor impressionism, while others are pen and ink sketches, sometimes with some color added discreetly. I’m especially fond of the cute sketches of animals and creatures that surround or live in trees on page 85. The saddest part about reviewing this book is that my digital advanced reading copy will archive and I won’t have it to reference later. I will definitely want a print copy to have on my keeper shelf and maybe one for my dad.
THE CURIOUS NATURE GUIDE combines art, journaling, poems, quotes, music, facts, questions to ponder, animals, insects, fish, phases of the moon, constellations, weather, color and nature in urban areas, while reviving lost memories in a sensory kaleidoscope. Highly recommended for those who love “sharing small wonders,” something I’m looking forward to most in the future.
Review and photos by Dorine, courtesy of The Zest Quest. Digital ARC provided by the publisher.
Get your copy at Amazon.
The Curious Nature Guide by Clare Walker Leslie
Category: Outdoors & Nature, Art, Writing prompts
Storey Publishing (September 8, 2015)
Rated 5 out of 5 + Recommended Read
Do you enjoy journaling or recording what you see in nature?