Summer Farm Share Week 14 is Plum Crazy
Summer Farm Share Week 14 was plum crazy with sweet fruity plums and plum shaped roma tomatoes for roasting. Weeks like this make me very happy because of all the fruit choices. Apparently it worked for my family as well as our oldest son, his girlfriend and our granddaughters slurped their way through the watermelon, peaches and plums, then started on the apples. No fruit was left untouched.
I love it when I can offer healthy choices for our guests without thinking about it. A farm share offers that advantage. No planning needed. We had so much fruit that even after six of us eating it for a couple days, we still have some leftover. I’m really going to miss the fresh fruit during winter share.
Oh yeah, speaking of winter share, the granddaughters special requests were met with the frozen blueberries and strawberries from earlier in the year. Their new favorite treat is Greek Vanilla yogurt mixed with frozen berries over graham crackers. The six year old made up that recipe based on a previous treat I fixed them with yogurt last time we had a sleepover. I enjoyed the frozen berries in winter share so much that I’ve been freezing our overages whenever we can’t eat them fast enough.
Week 14 of our small summer farm share included (featured photo at the top of this post is a full vegetarian share)…
Plums – 2 lbs.
Apples – 6
Peaches – 6
Watermelon – 1
Corn – 4
Zuchinni – 2
Dragon Tongue Beans
Broccoli – small head
Roma (Plum) Tomatoes – 3 lbs.
Peppers – 4 pretty sweet ones
Cabbage – 1 head
Onion – missing
My half of our small Vegetarian summer farm share (above photo) and how we used it.
Plums – 1 lb. – eating fresh
Apples – 3 – eating fresh
Peaches – 3 – these went first – all of us love the peaches this year.
Watermelon – 1/2 – the grandchildren beg for seconds and thirds of this. It never lasts more than a day when they’re here.
Corn – 2 – I’m dropping the ball on the corn this year. I should roast it on the grill and maybe it will get done!
Zucchini – 1 – I’m not sure if I’ll use this fast enough.
Dragon Tongue Beans – we had to split some of these and eat the center beans just to see what they’re like uncooked. Taste like fresh peas.
Broccoli – 1/2 small head
Roma (Plum) Tomatoes – 1.5 lbs. – these were in a net bag and got impressions on them from the netting. I think they were riper than I realized because I lost a couple before I got to roast them.
Peppers – 2 – so sweet and pretty – I’ll probably freeze these to use later.
Cabbage – I gave my parents this and we kept all the funky Dragon Tongue Beans because I love them.
Onion – missing
We had family in most of the week and then went to our youngest son’s house for a picnic on Labor Day. Most of the eating we’ve done this week from the farm share has been for breakfast or lunch. I made scrambled eggs with veggies for our guests. We ate most of the fruit. The rest of the week was spent running from one thing to another and we ate out a lot.
I fixed a roast, potatoes and carrots to last us a couple days and shared with my sister and her husband. Sometimes when you’re working hard, you need someone to gift you with a homemade dinner. They’ve been working real hard and I love to share.
I need to spend a day roasting tomatoes or drying them because I’m sure there are more to harvest in the garden. I gave some to the neighbors. I was so worn out after the all the activities that I didn’t even look at the garden today. The poor plants are probably parched. I might end the vegetable garden early because we’re expecting another week of 90 degrees and I don’t think the plants can take much more of this without some rain.
Maybe I’ll clean out the tomatoes and peppers and plant some lettuce, spinach and bush beans or peas as an experiment. I’ve never planted anything in the fall before and I think it would be fun to try it. I also love arugula and I hear it does well in the fall garden. Carrots would also be good because I can harvest those in the winter. I know garlic needs to go in by October as I missed it last year.
We’re getting some green peppers this week so I’m already dreaming of stuffed peppers. Fruit won’t be as plentiful so I’ll be able to catch up on our leftovers from this week.
What’s your favorite September harvested vegetable or fruit?
September 10, 2016 at 2:43 pm
Green beans…waited all summer for them. I have a huge bag of them that I need to cook.
Tomatoes, of course. Every thing I make has tomatoes in it. Grilled cheese sandwiches, salad nicoise, tomato, cucumber salad, drying plenty. Sharing them with friends and family too.
I like winter squashes too. We enjoyed the spaghetti squash last week and now we have another one for this week.
September 10, 2016 at 2:49 pm
It’s the land of plenty at this time of year, Mel. Sometimes so much so that it’s overwhelming. But, we’ll both appreciate our preservation methods this winter. Our spaghetti squash was so huge this week that we decided to cook it together for a shared dinner between the four of us. We have some sloppy joe mix leftover from winter share that might be perfect with it.
September 12, 2016 at 9:58 am
Shred the zucchini and freeze to use later for zucchini bread. Think it takes 2 cups to make 2 loaves
September 12, 2016 at 9:20 pm
Perfect suggestion. It you flatten the grated zucchini in a freezer bag, it’s very easy to stack.