Summer Farm Share Week 15 seasoned with Poblanos
Summer Farm Share Week 15 is seasoned with Poblanos, a mild chili pepper. I love these to add to chili and soups in October and November. Usually I freeze them chopped without cooking them first. Maybe I’ll try roasting them or grilling them this year and then freezing them to see how that differs.
Week 15 of our small summer farm share included (featured photo at the top of this post is a full vegetarian share)…
Cantaloupe – 1 large
Watermelon – Yellow Doll – 1 large
Spaghetti Squash – 1 large
Zucchini – 2
Kohlrabi – 1
Poblano Peppers – several instead of green peppers
Lettuce instead of expected Kale
Tomatoes – Cherry
My half of our small Vegetarian summer farm share (above photo) and how we used it.
Cantaloupe – 1/2 – haven’t tried this yet so we have to get busy.
Watermelon – 1 – I kept the full watermelon this time and Mr. Carnivore is enjoying it as his nightly snack.
Spaghetti Squash – gave this to my parents.
Zucchini – 2 – I can’t believe I haven’t stir fried these yet. Maybe it’s time for some Zucchini bread?
Kohlrabi – 1 – I saw an interesting recipe at Fresh Fork Market for Baked Kohlrabi Fries so I’m going to try that. I bought my favorite potato seasoning mix to use on them.
Poblano Peppers – haven’t used these or froze them yet, still thinking.
Lettuce – yummy with all the tomatoes from our garden as well as in the share. I love this lettuce.
Eggplant – okay, I think everyone knows Eggplant is my least favorite. Must try to do something with this flipper-textured vegetable.
Tomatoes – these are beautiful and sweet. Not that I need more tomatoes at this time of year but these are delicious.
This was a very busy week for day trips and shopping so we ate out more than I expected. Mr. Carnivore received some lovely gift cards for his birthday so our celebration overflowed into September. It was a welcome break from cooking but I’m behind on using up all these beautiful veggies.
I think we’re going to switch to the Omnivore share for the rest of the season. Our gardens are producing in abundance and we’d like to stock-pile some protein for winter.
Last year we were part of the Vegetarian Pilot Program for Winter Share at Fresh Fork and I still have some of that left to use up. We loved all the frozen vegetables and fruits, as well as the prepared items, but we’re ready to try something different. Switching to Omnivore at the end of summer gives us a chance to try it before we decide for winter. We’ve tried Vegan and Vegetarian, now it’s time to experiment with Omnivore.
Making soups and stews in the fall is a favorite pastime. Each time, we eat some and freeze some. It will be a new challenge to see if we can eliminate purchasing meat elsewhere for a few months by trying the Omnivore share. I’d also like to get a case of San Marzanos to roast to freeze. I need some concentrated time in the kitchen preparing for winter. Once I get my own supply of tomatoes put up, I’ll consider ordering in more. We are really addicted to the flavor of those roasted San Marzanos. I think it will be fun to add some chopped Poblanos to a batch of roasted tomatoes for chili.
I need some herb preservation time, too. The cool temps this week kicked my thinking into gear that summer is coming to a close. Like a squirrel I need to be motivated to nest, gather and stockpile.
What’s your favorite vegetable or fruit to preserve fresh to enjoy later?
September 19, 2016 at 8:23 am
Lucky you for getting poblanos instead of green peppers. I’ve gotten way too many green peppers from the share. I’ve grown poblanos for Jeff. They’re so pretty and not super hot. Roasted poblanos are called ancho peppers.
I’ve got a lot of veggies/bones in the freezer for soup making….just not quite ready to start making soup. I’m thinking October.
I liked having a little meat with the share, but there was way too much sausage type of meats for my taste. My favorite were the pork chops.
September 19, 2016 at 12:39 pm
Maybe you’ll get some poblanos next time. I do like them, but I’d prefer the green peppers. hahaha I’ve been eating soup every time we go out to eat, but I’m just not cool enough to be fixing it myself, yet. Mr. Carnivore would be thrilled with all that sausage. I had heard that the pork chops were awesome. Why don’t you make a Stuffed Pepper soup? It will use up a ton of tomatoes as it has a tomato base and I like rice in mine along with some zucchini. I also like to grate some carrots in there for color. Jeff would love the spiciness that the sausage brings to the soup. Stuffed Pepper soup is one of my favorites. I just had it at a local restaurant and he added chicken to his. So good.