Summer Farm Share Week 21 – Apples
Summer Farm Share Week 21 reminds me how much I love the delicious apples we get at this time of year. They make the best late night snack when I’m craving something sweet. Some good cooking going on this week!
Week 21 of our small summer Vegetarian farm share included (featured photo at the top of this post)…
Cauliflower – 1 head
Turnips – 1 bunch
Kale – 1 bunch – this is beautiful!
Butternut Squash – 2 (one to make up for the spaghetti squash from last week)
Broccoli – 1 bunch
Butternut Squash Linguine
Grape Tomatoes – 1 pint
Apples – 1 quarter peck
My half of the share (above photo) and how we used it.
Cauliflower – 1/2 head – this went into the Celeriac Chicken Vegetable soup.
Turnip – 1 – stored in the fridge. Will probably use this in soup.
Kale – 1 bunch – still looking good but I’ll probably freeze it to use in soups and eggs this winter.
Butternut Squash – 1 – sitting on my counter with several other squash. I need a squash roasting day!
Broccoli – 1/2 bunch – ate it before I had time to think about it. I like it steamed with a sliver of butter.
Butternut Squash Linguine – 1/2 package went into the freezer for another week since we ate the Garlic and Chive pasta this week.
Grape Tomatoes – 1/2 pint – these are not getting eaten fast enough. I think we’re so over tomatoes at this point.
Apples – 1/2 quarter peck – I have a wire basket on the counter for the apples and most of the time we eat them before they need refrigerated.
Alaskan Salmon – this is the only non-local item that the farm share gets. It’s fished fresh and sustainable and came in frozen this week. Mr. Carnivore and I got 4 pieces to try and my parents got 2. Maybe we’ll go crazy and get a case next year. Looks beautiful – can’t wait to taste! We’re freezing it for later.
Milk – loving the whole milk.
Eggs – each family got a dozen.
RESULTS (week of October 17, 2016)…
I made Celeriac Chicken Vegetable soup (above photo) early in the week from last week’s share. Celeriac doesn’t last long in the fridge, so I wanted to use it up before it aged too much. I added the green beans, onion and some of the potatoes from that share, along with other vegetables.
I will post a recipe soon, but if you want to make it without following my detailed directions, it’s real easy. All you do is pile a bunch of veggies, including the chopped Celeriac root, into a slow cooker with one chicken breast cut into bite-size chunks. Add some broth and seasoning — the veggies/chicken combo in mine was filled to 3/4 of my very large cooker, so I used 1 and 1/2 cartons of organic veggie broth, which ended up being about 1-2 inches below the veggies. Cook for 7 hours. I didn’t add my dried herbs until the last 3 hours. The broth came out amazing. Full recipe coming soon!
Next, I made Turkey Kielbasa from the farm share with sauteed onions and peppers. I added some of the traditional tomato sauce from the farm share, brought to a simmer, and served the mixture over Garlic and Chive pasta from Ohio City. I had never cooked fresh sausage links before so I followed these directions at Fresh Fork Market on poaching. Then I browned them in a pan. It worked great. The Turkey Kielbasa is dense and flavorful without being overly spicy. Very filling – 4 sausages easily stretched for several meals for the two of us.
Between the Celeriac Chicken Vegetable soup and the Turkey Kielbasa over Pasta, we had plenty to eat for the week, besides going out for our youngest son’s birthday.
I cannot believe there is only one more week left of Summer Share! Winter Share is unbelievably coming up next in November.
Have you been eating what’s locally available or splurging on what’s shipped in?
October 31, 2016 at 9:54 am
Jeff and I have eaten all the apples from the farm shares. I made a crisp with them last week, we’ve had them sliced thinly served with cheese and like you, we’ve had them for an evening snack. Love apples this time of year.
I still have kale and turnips to deal with…broccoli too.
October 31, 2016 at 12:41 pm
I usually don’t have enough apples to make a crisp because I split them with my dad every week. He loves them as much as I do. 🙂