Review: The Widow of Rose House
THE WIDOW OF ROSE HOUSE by Diana Biller is highly recommended to those who seek the full gamut of entertainment, from love to laughter to creepy bumps in the night, with a genius cast of endearing characters.
An eccentric inventor meets a lady of notorious reputation. Of course, they need to investigate her haunted house before she can remodel it. Sam is one of the most unusual heroes I’ve had the pleasure to read about. Alva is a great match because she accentuates his eccentricities, makes light of them, and even adores him for them.
Alva and Sam are a joy to witness on their journey to forever love. Alva never experienced any kind of love, from childhood until when this story begins. Sam is like a beacon of light to Alva – brilliantly alight with love. But as with most things in her life, Alva is convinced darkness will follow. This light and darkness parlays throughout the novel, giving this couple a different kind of cat and mouse game to play.
A ghost, and other alive characters, push along the conflict between them, keeping this couple apart no matter how much they love one another. Their fight to be together is exciting and beautiful.
I laughed out loud so many times while reading, especially in the beginning as Sam and Alva become acquainted. Sam’s family and friends are outrageous, love him, and add to the hilarity and insanity.
I wanted Alva to end up with Sam, but I wasn’t sure it could be possible because of her past. Her trauma, plus all the rumors started by others, have made her determined to seek a solitary existence. Becoming an author is her only dream, as a means to prove and support herself.
It was hard to pinpoint one specific reason this book stands out from everything else I’ve read this year. I love the volume of eccentric characters, especially Sam. I could picture his mannerisms, vividly, as I’ve known geniuses like him. His chaotic mind matches how I feel some days, flitting from one idea to another. I was thoroughly entertained, even when the funny moments were absent.
Every characterization in this book is exquisite. The haunted house was meticulously depicted. The hauntings were unexpected and suspenseful. It’s such an unusual combination to have hilarious characters mixed with unsavory villains, melded with paranormal activity in a vivid historical setting, that I felt like I was dreaming. This reader’s dream-come-true for sure!
The novel touches on all the Gothic romance aspects I love, but the humor and peculiar characters make it stand out in the sub-genre. So beautifully rendered that it’s impossible to believe this is a debut novel. That leaves me expecting great things from author Diana Biller in the future, anxiously awaiting her next endeavor.
THE WIDOW OF ROSE HOUSE by Diana Biller is the most unusual, romantic, funny, and overall entertaining romance novel I’ve read this year. I’m ready for a sequel, or a series, devoted to Sam’s idiosyncratic family and friends. Fantastically addictive debut!
Review by Dorine, courtesy of TheZestQuest.com. A digital advanced copy was provided by the publisher for an honest review. Thanks in advance for following links and sharing this review on social media.
The Widow of Rose House by Diana Biller
Category: Gothic Romance
Publisher: St. Martin’s Griffin (October 8, 2019)
ISBN: 978-1250297853
Rated: 5 out 5, Recommended!
November 21, 2019 at 7:32 am
I’m planning on reading this in january. I’ve read other reviews praising this book and now along with your words, I can’t wait!
November 24, 2019 at 1:52 pm
Oh good – definitely stop back and let me know when your review is up on this one, Sonia. I’ll be anxious to see what you think about this book. 🙂