REVIEW: Where She Went
Where She Went by Kelly Simmons is an edgy, suspenseful story focused on family and what we’ll do to save our own. The two viewpoints and timelines push the story forward in an exhilarating ride to the end.
Maggie has been dealt one dirty deal after another, but through it all she loves her daughter like every mother should. Moms will relate to Maggie’s persistence and willingness to break every rule of society, stepping outside what’s comfortable, to save her daughter Emma when she goes missing.
I empathized with Emma’s struggle as a new college student. Her feelings about not being the cool girl are relatable. I love when the good of a possible outcome, plus the agitation at what’s wrong and should be corrected, forces a person to go beyond their norm and push for the truth.
That’s Emma. She’s insecure, aware that college isn’t what she hoped for, but takes the situation in hand anyways. Emma is far from perfect, and she does some stupid things, but that made me like her even more.
The dual timeline was excellent. It accelerated the suspense and propelled the story forward. The result? Two people finding out who they really are when one of them acts completely out of character. The rollercoaster that follows is a nail-biter.
I loved everything about this novel. Its pacing is slow enough to make me want to race ahead, but detailed enough to draw me in while skipping nothing. The characters are clever and realistic with today’s attitudes, including confusion over what the world expects and what you know is right. The book has heart and I loved the message.
I can understand some readers’ frustration with the book’s classification. This one is hard to categorize. It’s suspenseful with engaging characters I cared about from the beginning. I can see some women’s fiction and thriller attributes, but above all, it’s suspenseful – just not romantic suspense. Expecting a psychological thriller did not ruin this story for me because the author’s talent made me forget why I requested the book for review. I just enjoyed it for the entertainment it was. The only tiny blip of a criticism I have is that I wanted an epilogue with a more detailed look into the future.
In the end? I did not suspect the conclusion. Don’t stay on the fence with this one – just get it and enjoy the ride. I loved the author’s style and she captivated me from beginning to end.
With pacing that’s riveting, Kelly Simmons writes a story all mothers and daughters will relate to, plus be thankful for who we are right now.
Review by Dorine, courtesy of TheZestQuest.com. A digital advanced copy was provided by the publisher for an honest review. Thanks in advance for following links and sharing this review on social media.
Where She Went by Kelly Simmons
Category: Suspenseful Fiction
Publisher: Sourcebooks Landmark (October 1, 2019)
ISBN: 978-1492687504
Rated 4.5 out of 5
October 17, 2019 at 5:59 am
This seems to be an interesting read. Based on your words, I’d try it.
Thank you.
October 17, 2019 at 9:38 pm
Great, Sonia. Let me know what you think if you get a chance to try it.