Book Review: The Water Keeper
THE WATER KEEPER by Charles Martin thrashed me through a range of emotions. From laughter to deep sadness, from anger to happiness, Martin paced me through a wringer, anxious for that happy-for-now I hoped was coming. This time, I’m begging for a sequel because I don’t think this amazing story is done yet. At least I hope not.
Murphy is quite a protagonist. We learn about all the characters from his point of view and he’s sparse with the words sometimes. He reveals what he wants to for the moment, so you’re always wondering when he’s going to spill the beans and let you in on his secrets. The best part of this book is that Murphy is as surprised as we are when the truth comes down.
I did guess some of Murphy’s secrets early on, but that didn’t sacrifice my enjoyment of this book. It actually enhanced it because I wondered how his truth would finally be revealed.
This book isn’t fluff. It’s hardcore at times with a reality many of us don’t really want to know. Don’t stop reading, because truth is necessary and sometimes books help us understand what we don’t realize we need in our arsenal.
There are many enjoyable characters in this book. I loved all of Murphy’s tagalongs he picked up on his journey. They each played their part, but I was especially enamored by the brave dog. He was what we know dogs can be – protective, loyal, and resilient when it comes to their people.
I think this book will appeal to many different types of readers. It has the action-packed adventure that a male reader may love. Halfway through my review copy, I ordered the audible for my husband. This is the kind of book I think he’ll sink his teeth into, even though he’s not a huge fiction reader. Personally, I think it would make an amazing movie or series, and that would definitely appeal to him.
THE WATER KEEPER has some faith-based elements that will tug at your heart and hopefully, touch your life. It’s not preachy or overly religious, so if you don’t normally read Christian fiction, don’t worry – this should sit right with you. It makes sense as part of the story.
As for those who love relationship stories, this one left me with some significant feels. I cried for Murphy and others. Their endurance is a true testament to the human spirit. It sends a message of hope to the hopeless.
This book is very rough around the edges when it comes to the harsh reality of human unkindness. If you’re like me, it will make you angry enough to scream at the horrors of some evil. There is a special place for the bad guys like the ones in this story. Their punishment is well-deserved.
Finally, if you’re a boater, then you will LOVE the detail of Florida’s Intracoastal Waterway. We explore it thoroughly, and Murphy is a master captain who scared me as much as his passengers. I could feel the chop of the waves and my stomach flip-flopped.
There are a few over-the-top, unbelievable bits, but what grand adventure doesn’t include some things we find too outrageous to believe, even if they’re possible?
THE WATER KEEPER is full of heart, action, bad guys, people who don’t deserve the bad guys, and surprises that are fun to experience – both shocking and joyous. I highly recommend this book if you love twisty, gut-wrenching adventures with love entwined. Expect the unexpected is what I rely on from Charles Martin.
Review by Dorine, courtesy of TheZestQuest.com. A digital copy was provided by the publisher for an honest review. Thanks in advance for following links and sharing this review on social media.
The Water Keeper by Charles Martin
Category: Fiction with Romance Elements
Publisher: Thomas Nelson (May 5, 2020)
ISBN-13: 978-0785230915
Rated 5 out of 5 – Recommended
September 15, 2020 at 4:46 pm
What a wonderful review. Makes me want to go through the emotions you had. Definitely on my wish list
September 15, 2020 at 7:39 pm
Thank you! It’s quite the story. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. 🙂