Review: The Inn at Blue Hollow Falls
THE INN AT BLUE HOLLOW FALLS by Donna Kauffman was an easy pick for this month’s Quickie category for our TBR Challenge. I fell in love with the characters in the BLUE HOLLOW FALLS series in 2018 when I discovered this author through the cover of book one, Blue Hollow Falls. It has a historic greenhouse on it, and since horticulture was one of my chosen careers, I’m attracted to all things plant related.
THE INN AT BLUE HOLLOW FALLS continues with more about this gorgeous greenhouse as it’s being renovated. Sunny’s best friend and previous co-worker, Stevie, comes to help her with her orchid project.
Of course, who can forget Noah the Innkeeper? And lucky for Stevie that’s where she’s staying. And there’s a wicked snowstorm. Plus, they’re cooking up more than food in the kitchen while they wait for the newly hired chef to arrive.
Stevie and Noah are adorable and sexy together. From the beginning, I was convinced they were meant to be together, if they’d take time to resolve their possible long-distance relationship.
Some authors have a knack for novellas and Donna Kauffman was one of them. The hardest thing was discovering we lost this amazing author to pancreatic cancer in 2020. That especially resonates with me since I was diagnosed with Chronic Pancreatitis in 2019. It’s a frustrating thing to live with, so I can empathize with what Donna endured.
I think anyone can pick up THE INN AT BLUE HOLLOW FALLS and enjoy it without reading the rest of the series. That would give you a taste of Donna Kauffman’s talent. I have the whole series because I had to have them all. Next up for me is BLUESTONE & VINE, book two.
I’ve already read BLUE HOLLOW FALLS, book one, and LAVENDER BLUE, book three. Click the links to read my reviews. Book four, UNDER A FIREFLY MOON is on my TBR as well. There are also three more novellas to complete the set – CHRISTMAS IN BLUE HOLLOW FALLS, LAVENDER & MISTLETOE, and NEW BEGINNINGS.
Review by Dorine, courtesy of TheZestQuest.com. A digital copy was purchased. Thanks in advance for following links and sharing this review on social media. #TBRChallenge #RomBkBlog
The Inn at Blue Hollow Falls by Donna Kauffman
Category: Contemporary Short Story
Publisher: Zebra Books (October 31, 2017)
Rated 4 out of 5
January 20, 2022 at 12:12 pm
So sorry to hear about your diagnosis, best wishes for healthy and happy 2022 🙂
Novellas do take a different skill set and I think a lot of authors struggle with the development and entertainment factor.
January 20, 2022 at 1:16 pm
Indeed, there’s an art to writing convincing/satisfying novella-length romances, and it’s great to find an author who delivers. I find it interesting that some of the best I’ve found, also write really good full-length novels–sometimes really long novels too!–but generally, writing short is a very specific art.
Re: health, I hope you can manage yours safely and with as little disruption as possible, Dorine.
January 20, 2022 at 2:32 pm
Hello Dorine!
I’m glad you’re posting again, I like reading your reviews!
Oh, and here’s to a good reading year, and that you can feel well to do so. 😉
Best wishes for you!
January 20, 2022 at 8:16 pm
Thanks so much everyone for your good health wishes! Thankfully, I’ve found how handle it through diet. I got it from another health issue, as well as unknown food allergies, so it has been quite the journey.
Whiskey, I agree. I really love novellas when an author excels at them.
Azteclady – I’m surprised when an author can do both well. I’ve found that to be so with this series, so far. And I agree it’s a very specific art. I love finding an author who delivers.
Sonia – thanks so very much and it’s good to be missed. I read a book for almost every challenge month last year, but really struggled writing reviews. We traveled every two weeks for eight months, so internet time was limited.
That adventure is done, so you should see me catching up.
It feels good to be back!
February 21, 2023 at 5:10 pm
So good to see you back! Love those reviews so keep them coming. Also looking forward to some good recipes. I am in a funk as far as cooking goes.