Summer Farm Share Week 6 – Bok Choy
Summer Farm Share Week 6 included Bok Choy so I believe some stir fry is in our future. The bag was really heavy and colorful this week. I was pulled in by all the red, purple and unexpected orange. Fresh small carrots are in high competition with my favorite, zucchini. Nothing is sweeter than small carrots so I may end up eating them fresh before they land in our dinner, but this recipe has grabbed my attention.
Week 6 of our small Vegetarian summer farm share included (featured photo at the top of this post is full vegetarian share)…
Broccoli – 1 head
Red Cabbage – 1 head
Beets – 3 large
Cucumbers – 2
Garlic – 1
Bulb Onion – 1
Cherries – Sweet
Carrots – 6
Bok Choy – 1 bunch
Kohlrabi – 1 large
Kale – 1 bunch
Zucchini – 2
Lettuce – 1 head of green leaf
My half of our small Vegetarian summer farm share (above photo) and what’s left since Wednesday, July 6…
Broccoli – 1/2 head
Red Cabbage – 1 head
Beets – 3 large – my parents took these since I got the cabbage
Cucumbers – 1
Garlic – 1/2
Bulb Onion – 1 – I got this and my parents got the Kohlrabi
Cherries – Sweet
Carrots – 3
Bok Choy – 1/2 head
Kohlrabi – 1 large – my parents got this since my dad loves it fresh
Kale – I can handle some bug damage but this bunch was ravaged so it went in the trash. I don’t feel guilty since the bugs enjoyed it so much! HA
Zucchini – 1
Lettuce – green leaf – 1/2 head — this is real tender so we have to eat it quick. Had some in a salad the night we picked it up.
We picked up our Vegetarian farm share on the way home from the hospital the day Mr. Carnivore was released. That was probably kind of dumb on my part as I was exhausted, but I didn’t want to deal with it later in the week. Since we were driving right past the pick-up area for Fresh Fork Market at the exact right time, it made sense to save myself a longer drive later in the week.
The biggest problem? Trying to fit it all in the fridge when I didn’t remember that we had so much leftover from Week 5. We stir fried the broccoli and cauliflower from last week, so all I have left is this week’s broccoli. I have no idea what I’ll do with the red cabbage since I already have a much larger green cabbage in the fridge. I think it’s time to dig for the ham in the freezer for some cabbage and noodles with the green one. I also have a pork roast that might be good with cabbage. Hmmm. I do love red cabbage in a salad but how much of that can two people eat? Oh — this Braised Red Cabbage with Apples sounds delicious. I bet that would freeze well. Here’s a great post on freezing cabbage at Fresh Fork Market. Here we go, a Cabbage Stir Fry — just what I needed!
Mom made us Cabbage, Potatoes and Ham that was super delicious for the night we brought the share home. That was an awesome treat. I just threw together a salad to go with it.
My dilemma right now is if we don’t eat what we have in the fridge, then we have to freeze it, but there isn’t any room in the freezer either. I think I need to share some bread I have stockpiled in there to make some room. Guess what you’re getting when you come over, Mel? HA
I just need to invest in some containers and start cooking in the crockpot each day, then freeze the leftovers for quick meals later. Hopefully mom has some space in her upright freezer that I can borrow. I think Ham and Cabbage, then some Chicken Vegetable Soup will be two of the meals I’ll make. I have chicken leftover from the 4th of July in the freezer that we didn’t cook, so that’s a perfect way to use both up.
Our small refrigerator broke while we were in Idaho, so we don’t have an extra space to put our canned and bottled drinks. We had to revert back to putting everything in our regular sized refrigerator, so I ended up taking out the beer to squeeze in the food. I know – crazy, right?
I think that gives new meaning to the term, Flexitarian. I seem to be using the flexible side of my nature more than I knew I could, lately.
So what do you do when you run out of room in your refrigerator and freezer? Invite some friends over or take food to a sick friend? Other ideas?
July 11, 2016 at 6:17 pm
I don’t think I’ve ever run out of room in my fridge or chest freezer. It gets crowded though. One things for sure….you blanch or sauteed all the greens we get, they cook down to nothing..therefore they don’t take up as much room. hahhaha.
I’m so happy to see beets in the share for 2 weeks in a row. How about you? You excited???? hee hee.
I think if one does a farm share you really have to commit to eating at home….or it gets out of hand very quickly. We didn’t have dinner at home over the whole weekend. Now I have lots of veggies to deal with.
I feel like a squirrel preparing for winter.
July 13, 2016 at 12:02 pm
LOL So right on those greens. I’ll definitely be sauteing cabbage this week since we’re getting another. Usually, we have enough picnics that I can get the greens down to a reasonable pile with a big salad to share. I ended up sending our son home with blueberries, cherries and cucumbers to make room for today’s share. We just haven’t been home enough to use it up. That’s the fun part, though, sharing with someone else when it’s just too much.
Beets? What beets? I don’t see any beets. hahaha