Winter Farm Share Week 2 – Pork Spareribs
Winter Farm Share Week 2 surprised me with a huge rack of Pork spareribs. We couldn’t figure out how to split them for the two families so mom took them home to her freezer. Getting together and roasting them for one of our card playing nights sounds good. I think I have some sauce here that we need to use up that will work for barbecue.
Week 2 of our Winter Omnivore farm share included (featured photo at the top of this post)…
Pork Spareribs – huge rack
Cider – 1/2 gal.
Butternut Squash – 1
Eggs – 1 dozen
Turnips – 2
Leek – 1 – this went to my parents.
Cilantro – 1 bunch
Brussels Sprouts – 1 stalk
Cauliflower – 1 head
Lettuce – 1 bunch of Buttercrunch
Broccoli – 1 stalk
Red & Blue Potatoes – 3 lbs.
Green Cabbage – 1 very large
My half of the share (above photo), plus extras, and how we used it.
Pork Spareribs – will be shared between the four of us during a game night.
Cider – 1/4 gal. – Mr. Carnivore slurped this all gone.
Butternut Squash – 1 – sitting on my counter, waiting for roasting.
Eggs – 1/2 dozen – we enjoyed these for breakfast.
Turnips – 1 – these store well in the fridge so I haven’t decided how to use it yet.
Cilantro – 1/2 bunch – this tastes great sprinkled on hummus or in a salad.
Brussels Sprouts – 1/2 stalk – roasted these but they’re very small so they overcooked.
Cauliflower – 1/2 head – enjoyed this steamed.
Lettuce – 1/2 bunch of Buttercrunch – my favorite. It went into a salad and on sandwiches.
Broccoli – 1/2 stalk – landed in a veggie steam when we got back.
Red & Blue Potatoes – 1.5 lbs – the blue potatoes have the best flavor but they sure look strange. Pictures next week!
Green Cabbage – 1 very large – this will hang out in my fridge for a few weeks until I decide what to do with it.
RESULTS…(week of November 7)
I didn’t take pictures of my half of the share this week because we were leaving for West Virginia the very next day. My portion quickly went into the refrigerator in hopes that it would last until we returned. We were gone a couple days longer than I expected. Then I had a root canal and I didn’t feel up to cooking.
Most of it made it through our neglectful disuse. I lost some cauliflower and some lettuce, but I was very impressed by how long most of it lasted at this time of year. Much better than in the summer.
I usually put us “on vacation” with the share and then double up another week when we get back. We can do that four times a season, so I’m not sure why I didn’t do that this time. I guess I didn’t want to miss anything since I’m such a fan of winter share. Mr. Carnivore and my dad would have whined big time if we missed this gorgeous rack of ribs, I’m sure!
Broccoli and Cauliflower at this time of year is beautiful. It’s something I look forward to. We don’t have any trouble using it up or blanching it to put in the freezer.
What will we do with the ribs? I like the ease of this recipe at Fresh Fork. I bet they smell scrumptious while roasting. Love this more adventurous recipe for braising and grilling. I’m sure I’ll end up doing the first recipe as it’s winter and I doubt any of us want to grill even for a few minutes. 😀
Short and sweet this week as we traveled and we weren’t home long enough to cook any of this. More in next week’s share post. I’m behind by 3 share weeks so you have lots to look forward to coming soon! I’ll toss in some West Virginia travel photos, too.
What has your fork been up to?