Summer Farm Share Week 10 – Fruity Delicious!
Summer Farm Share Week 10 is fruity delicious! We received the BEST yellow watermelon I’ve ever tasted. I think our granddaughters agree as they helped us eat half of our half. Then we served it the next day for lunch for our street sale partners in crime. Yummy! And that comes from someone who hardly likes watermelon. It’s not something I choose to eat, but when I “knocked” on this one, I knew it would be at the peek of flavor and it was.
We accidentally switched to a Vegan bag but I’m so glad there was a mix-up because I would much rather have 2 melons than pasta. Sometimes they run out of bags and I get a Vegan color rather than Vegetarian. When I come back the next week, I forget to remind them we’re on the Vegetarian share. This week that was to our advantage.
Week 10 of our small summer farm share included (featured photo at the top of this post is a full vegan share)…
Yellow Watermelon – 1
Cantaloupe – 1
Eggplant – 2
Peaches – 6
Sweet Corn – 6
Green Peppers – 2
Light Green Squash – 1
Blueberries – 1 pint
Red Onion – 1
Tomatoes – 3
Hot Hungarian Peppers – 2
My half of our small Vegan summer farm share (above photo) and what’s left since Wednesday, August 3…
Yellow Watermelon – 1/2 – We shared this with friends and family and there wasn’t a sliver left.
Cantaloupe – 1/2 – we ate about 1/3 of this
Eggplant – 1 – lost it in the “refrigerator incident”
Peaches – 3 – ate one, lost another, have one left
Sweet Corn – 3 – lost in the “refrigerator incident”
Green Peppers – 1 – lost in the “refrigerator incident”
Light Green Squash – 1/2 – lost in the “refrigerator incident”
Blueberries – 1/2 pint – lost in the “refrigerator incident”
Red Onion – 1/2 – lost in the “refrigerator incident”
Tomatoes – 1.5 – ate 1 – lost 1/2 in the “refrigerator incident”
Hot Hungarian Peppers – 1 – lost in the “refrigerator incident”
We participated in a street sale this week so there wasn’t a whole lot of time for cooking. Most of my time was spent gathering, unpacking, pricing and dragging things outside, then inside, then back outside, then finally the leftover junk went to Goodwill so that none of it went back into the house or the garage. Mr. Carnivore can’t lift anything yet, so my muscles, or lack thereof, got a workout.
Many thanks to friends and family who helped me haul stuff in and out, in and out, and kept us company for 2 days.
We did have our granddaughters over during the sale, so they thoroughly enjoyed the fruit. Some very kind friends brought us a feast from a luncheon that we were unable to attend, so we ate for 3 days on those lovely homemade goodies and were able to feed our guests as well! It was a huge relief to have that here when I felt like I had been run over by a truck. Friends are such a treasure!
Sometime during one of those days or after the sale, we had the unfortunate “refrigerator incident”. Somehow a bottle of ketchup was in the way of the door seal and the refrigerator remained propped open without my knowledge. By the time I found it, the temperature board was “freezing little drips” and everything had a layer of moisture on it. Nothing seemed very cold. I don’t have a temperature gauge in my fridge, nor do I have a portable one, so I had to “guess” that everything was spoiled or on its way to spoilage. Midnight isn’t the time of night you want to go looking for a temperature gauge to prove your instincts wrong.
So, I did what I thought best for Mr. Carnivore and myself, I threw out everything in the refrigerator on Monday, cleaned it, then went shopping for a few items to hold us over until we pick up our next share this Wednesday. In hindsight, I think some of it would have been okay, but because I didn’t know if it had been a couple hours or 36 hours, I decided to be over zealous and not take a chance. We also lost the the carrots, lettuce, blueberries and swiss chard from Week 9.
Although it thrills me to have a sparkly clean refrigerator, I’m very sad to have lost so many gorgeous items I was anxious to taste this week. At least I have the memory of that awesome watermelon and the lovely pictures to remember how much I loved this week’s share.
Can we have a do-over? Sometimes being zestful is a work in progress!
August 12, 2016 at 5:26 pm
So sorry about your refrigerator incident. You lost such good stuff.
August 13, 2016 at 6:17 pm
I know! It was so annoying. Thank goodness this week’s share was awesome, too, so we’re back to eating good stuff! LOL