TBR Challenge Review: Walks Through Mist by Kim Murphy
WALKS THROUGH MIST by Kim Murphy was the perfect choice for the TBR Challenge by combining paranormal with suspense in a time travel back to the 1600s. I chose this book as it sounded mystical. It met my expectations, as well as journeyed back through time, adding in a contemporary and historical suspense featuring a police detective.
Why was this book in my TBR? Next to the 1700s, the 1600s in American history are my favorite time-frame. Add in a healer who chooses to live with a tribe instead of her own people and I am beyond intrigued. That’s why I bought this book last year. The cover drew me in, but it was the mention of Native American history and time travel that sold me. The healer was a bonus.
At first, I didn’t think I was going to like this book. By 25% into my reading, I was still debating on whether it was going to be the type of time travel I crave. It seemed to be more about modern day. I prefer time travel backwards instead of forwards into time. When I finally got the history I was craving, then I was no longer in doubt. I didn’t find the heroine believable, at first, or as interesting as I had hoped. But, I kept reading because the concept was good and the suspense kept me wondering. Phoebe grew on me as she told her story. At 40% into my reading, I was hooked completely and I hated to put the book down for any length of time. I read it everywhere I was waiting until I could get a chunk of time to sit and devour it.
The fact that I had my doubt about the heroine matches the story, because the psychologist and the detective assigned to her case don’t believe her either.
Phoebe Wynne claims she’s from colonial Jamestown and speaks an Algonquin dialect that hasn’t been used in 200 years. She also knows English, but uses words more common in the 17th century. Suffering from amnesia after getting hit by a car, Phoebe is examined by psychologist Shae Howard. Shae begins to treat Phoebe with hypnosis to help her remember her past. Shae’s ex-husband, police detective Lee Crowley, is intrigued by Phoebe’s story, but it’s Phoebe’s instant connection with Lee that convinces him to try to help her. Phoebe seems to trust Lee beyond anyone else, so Shae encourages their friendship.
Little bits of Phoebe’s past are revealed through something she calls “the dreaming” as well as hypnosis. Lee is adopted and unaware of his past, so he begins to participate in the dreaming state with Phoebe. What is revealed is an astonishing history of one woman’s journey and how her past is part of Lee’s future.
Phoebe experiences great tragedy throughout the book, so it can be quite emotional. Phoebe has loved more than one man in her lifetime. Her depth of love explores several types until she realizes who is the love of her life. So yes, this book is a romance but it also explores life after divorce in Shae and Lee’s relationship. It’s interesting and causes some conflict with them all so closely connected throughout the story.
I think the reason I had a hard time with this book is because some of the elements frustrated me. There were mundane day-to-day tasks that were repetitive and unnecessary. The dialogue didn’t always move the story forward. There were also some descriptive clauses that seemed to be added for texture, but all they did was jar me out of the scene. Those descriptions didn’t add to the scene or the suspense, so I would wonder why they were there, thinking they were hints. All these things slowed the story down and amped my anticipation, which is a normal reaction I have with romantic suspense – just tell me what’s going on, already, and quit stalling. HA
Even with my quibbles, I highly anticipate the second book, WIND TALKER. All it took was reading the excerpt at the back of this book and I’m hooked.
I believe that there are several types of readers who will enjoy this book. Number one, if you love police stories, this detective will intrigue you. He’s Native American and adopted so he’s missing a big chunk of his heritage. As he finds it, you’ll be emotionally connected to him. You must suspend your belief a bit with the mystical aspects of the book, if you’re not a paranormal fan, but it goes well with the Native American aspects of the story. Romantic suspense fans will enjoy this one because it’s different from the majority. But mostly, I think fans of colonial American romantic fiction will love this book. I was especially enamored with the Native American history and would love another book set in this time-frame written by this author. Since Phoebe is a healer, I thoroughly enjoyed her herbal remedies – so if you love plant history, this book will hit those hot buttons too.
WALKS THROUGH MIST by Kim Murphy excels at laying out an intriguing situation, then pacing the reader step-by-step to solve the mystery. The best part of this book is the authenticity of the history along with the creative license taken by the author to enhance it. The mystical aura suits the Native American portion of the story. It feels real and you can’t ask more than that from a book with paranormal elements. I can’t wait to find out what happens next in WIND TALKER.
Reviewed by Dorine, courtesy of The Zest Quest. Digital copy purchased.
Walks Through Mist by Kim Murphy
Series: The Dreaming
Category: Time Travel, Romantic Suspense
Publisher: Coachlight Press, LLC (January 1, 2011)
Rated 4 out of 5
Wind Talker, book two, by Kim Murphy
Do you enjoy books that mix paranormal elements with history?
October 19, 2016 at 1:23 pm
Hmm..this sounds intriguing. I’m from Virginia, so novels set in colonial Virginia tend to pique my interest.
October 19, 2016 at 9:16 pm
I would love to know if you try it, Lynn. It’s so rare to find this time period, so I’m thrilled to have discovered it.
October 20, 2016 at 9:24 am
This sounds different. I might try it. Thanks for the review!
October 20, 2016 at 1:00 pm
I hope you enjoy it, Lynn. Let me know if you try it. I’d love to compare thoughts.
October 20, 2016 at 2:23 pm
Nice review. I find that time travel is about the one thing I can’t abide, so it probably won’t be my cup of tea, but I am glad it worked overall for you!
October 20, 2016 at 3:39 pm
I completely get that, Erin. Time travel is one of those categories that’s a hit or miss. As long as they go backwards in time, I like them, but if a book becomes futuristic then I’m not so enamored. That doesn’t mean I’d never read a futuristic time travel, because I’ll try anything and have – I just need to be in the right mood for them.